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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I register my child to play soccer with Western Howard Soccer, Inc.?

A: During open registration periods, you may register on the internet through the WHC Soccer website by entering and selecting the registration link. This will bring up the registration form to be completed online. You may then pay online with a credit card via Pay Pal. Payment must be made before the registration process is considered to be completed.

Q: How do I make payment online?

A: Secure online registration payment via Pay Pal is available to everyone. Step by step directions are provided when registering to complete the registration and payment process.

Q: How do I find out when registrations are being taken for a particular season?

A: The dates will be posted on the WHC Soccer Website, in the local newspapers and will be sent via broadcast email to our previously registered players. In addition, volunteers may distribute flyers at various sites throughout the communities and school PTAs may post blurbs about registering to play. The dates for registration are very important. If an individual is registered late, a late fee will be charged and there is no guarantee of placement on a team.

Q: What is the refund policy if I find that I must withdraw my child’s registration and how can I get my registration fee back?

A: Requests for refunds must be made in writing to the Registrar. You may email the registrar at or use the regular postal serve mail. Our address can be found under Contact Us. A $25.00 processing fee will be deducted for each request. There will be no refunds after September 1st.

Q: What is a wait-list?

A: Players registering late are placed on a waiting list. WHC Soccer places players from the waiting list on teams on a first come, first serve basis as spaces become available to fill teams. Once teams are full, there are no more placements. After the season starts, players that were not placed on teams will have their registration fee returned.

Q: Who will coach my child’s team?

A: All of the coaches in WHC Soccer are volunteers. Almost all of them are parents of a player who is on the team they’re coaching. Coaches usually, but not always, return to coach for several years. We are always in need of new coaches every season as players graduate from the program and/or coaches move from the area or are unable to return for various reasons. New coaches are almost always recruited from the team your child is on so do not be surprised if you receive a request to volunteer. It will be very rewarding and your child will love you for it.

Q: At what age may a child play soccer with WHC Soccer?

A: WHC Soccer has leagues ranging from Micro (4-5) through a combined 14-18 age group.

Q: How are players assigned to teams?


Teams are grouped by ages as follows – Micro 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 and 14-18. The younger age brackets (ages 4-5) will be assigned to teams primarily according to school district depending on the number of volunteer coaches available and the number of teams being formed. Older players (6-18) will be assigned to teams based on their level of experience, ability, and geography in an effort to evenly distribute the level of talent on each team. No player is guaranteed placement on a specific team.

Q: Can I request a particular coach?

A: Yes. Indicate your request in the special requests section of the registration form. WHC Soccer gives consideration to all requests, but requests are not guaranteed. Refunds are not issued for the Club’s inability to grant a special request.

Q: When will players notified what team they are on?

A: Players should be notified soon after coaches receive their rosters which is typically about 3 weeks prior to the start of the season.

Q: Can I be moved to a different team for carpooling, to play on a friend’s team or to get a different practice time?

A: Changes are not encouraged after rosters are finalized, but may be approved in limited justifiable situations. If you have a compelling reason for a change, contact your Age Group Coordinator.

Q: Do players move to a new team each season?

A: Teams are formed every season and the rosters and coaches may change. Many people move in and out of our area so we have new coaches and players every season.

Q: When and where are the practices?

A: Practices usually start mid-August. Coaches are responsible for setting practice schedules and choosing practice field sites based on their availability as provided at the Coaches’ Meeting held at the end of July. Most coaches will hold 1-2 practice per week depending on the age group.

Q: When are games?


Games will be played on Saturdays beginning the first Saturday in September after Labor Day.  There are 10 consecutive games on the schedule. If  fields are closed by HCPSS or Parks & Rec WHC Soccer does not have make-up games or extend the season. The 4-9 age groups will play at Folly Quarter Middle School and Triadelphia Ridge Elementary. 10-11 can play at Tri-Ridge or Alpha Ridge.  Game dates and locations for the 12-13 age groups and the 14-18 age groups to be determined by the Age Group Coordinators if less than 4 teams can be created.

Q: What if it rains on game days or practice days?


The decision to close the fields is made by the Howard County Public Schools and the County Parks and Rec Department.

Check the County Field Condition Phone Lines on game Day:

School Fields: (410) 313-6827
Parks & Rec Fields: (410) 313-4372
If “Open at Discretion”, Check Website Notices.

No Make-up games or extended season due to field closures.